Monthly Archives - September 2017

Porcelain Veneers – A Better Alternative To Tooth Whitening

Whenever you see all those celebrities that you love on TV, odds are, you are very much admiring their porcelain veneers. Those celebrities all realize that a healthy and white smile is genuinely important and will therefore be doing their very best to make sure that they will have pearly whites. Despite the fact that tooth whitening is becoming more and more popular these days, it is not as effective as more lucrative alternatives are appearing on the market every day. Porcelain veneers will do the trick nicely for you.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are basically thin pieces of porcelain that are designed to cover the top of your front teeth. The best thing about them is that they no longer cost a small fortune and are much more affordable to everyone.

The process of placing porcelain veneers

First of all, a qualified dental professional is going to need to determine if you are eligible for the procedure to begin with. In order to install those veneers, a tiny piece of enamel will be removed from the teeth in order to free some space for the veneers. Your enamel will be removed and the cosmetic veneers will become your permanent teeth.

The dental expert will create a special impression so your new veneers look and feel a whole lot more natural. At times, patients require temporary dental veneers beforehand as well.

Once the veneers are ready to be placed, the cosmetic dentist Sherman Oaks professional will determine if the color is right and if the veneers will fit correctly. Finally, the porcelain veneers will be polished and installed in order to provide you with the beautiful smile that you deserve!

Porcelain veneers can help when:

  • Teeth that are discolored and may no longer be improved through the whitening process
  • Teeth that are worn
  • Teeth that are chipped
  • Teeth that are broken
  • Teeth that are uneven
  • Teeth that are misaligned
  • Teeth that are irregularly shaped
  • Teeth with gaps between them

When you are making an appointment with the dental professional, it is very important to comprehensively explain what results you are expecting and what kind of a smile you are hoping to get. You may also bring in a picture of your favorite smile – this will help the dentist understand your needs better.

If teeth whitening did not work for you and you were genuinely unsatisfied with the end results, do not hesitate to learn more about porcelain veneers and schedule an appointment with the most qualified, experienced dental professional out there at the earliest opportunity.

Having a healthy and a beautiful smile is extremely important these days and you will be able to really enhance your overall appearance and your confidence with shiny white teeth.

The market is filled with all kinds of options and dental firms that will always be more than happy to provide you with their services, and odds are, you are looking for the ideal combination of price and quality.

Well, if that is the case and you are already browsing the internet, trying to figure out the ideal option for you, we simply cannot help but recommend that you learn much more about one of the most amazing offers out there at the earliest opportunity.