Frequently Asked Questions

A lot of people are not going to the dentist regularly. Only when the situation is troubling, they choose to go. This is called crisis treatment, when it should be preventive treatment. Even though some people believe that they are saving money this way, in most cases it will cost them a whole lot more both in terms of finances and time. This is due to the fact that a lot of dental issues will not exhibit any symptoms until they get to the more advanced stages. Tooth decay is the ideal demonstration – people say that nothing hurts, so there is no problem.

Tooth decay in most cases will not hurt at all, up until it reaches the very nerve of the tooth. It is quite common to see a patient with an enormous cavity who has never felt anything at all. A qualified dentist will be able to detect cavity up to four years before it will develop any kind of symptoms. Such an early detection will allow you to prevent the subsequent root canal treatment.

The quantity of bacteria in your mouth is reduced through flossing. Billions of those microscopic creatures feed on all the food particles that are left on your teeth. Flossing removes the bacteria living in plaque. Some of the bacteria in your mouth are eliminated through flossing. Flossing will deal with the bacteria that cannot otherwise be dealt with through a toothbrush. We are talking about the bacteria that is being hidden within the spaces between your teeth. In case you are not flossing, you will allow the plaque to remain between the teeth. Subsequently, it will harden into tartar. Brushing can help you remove plaque. Tartar may only be removed by a dentist.

Well, you just make the process fun and engaging. In case you are enthusiastic about it, the kids will be just as enthusiastic as you are. You should demonstrate a great example to your kids and they will surely follow you. You can always consult the dentist in order to learn other creative ways.

If you wish your kids to brush on a regular basis, you should take them to the dentist at an early age.

Brush your teeth for up to three minutes all the time. It does take long to eliminate the bacteria, which is destroying the enamel of the tooth. Do not brush way too hard. Removing the plaque and the bacteria does not require a lot of pressure. You will need to floss at least once every day. It is the only viable option in case you wish to eliminate the bacteria from your teeth.

Do not forget to watch the sugar you consume. Sugar is in candy, crackers, chips as well as fruits. This kind of food is the one that the bacteria in your mouth enjoys the most. Be careful with food that sticks to your teeth, such as peanut butter as well as raisins. These may prove to a constant supply for the bacteria that is in your teeth.

In case you are unable to brush your teeth after you have eaten, do not forget to rinse the mouth with water in order to remove the leftovers of food from your mouth. Do not forget that you will also need to visit the dentist on a regular basis.

When the dentist is examining the mouth, a lot of teeth diseases and surrounding tissues cannot be seen. X-rays could help in revealing:

  • fillings – small areas of decay between the teeth
  • bone infections
  • gum disease
  • cysts or abscesses
  • abnormalities in development
  • certain tumor types

In case you wish to save time, money and your nerves, it is important to find as well as treat your dental problems pretty early on. The X-ray is going to detect damage to oral structures that is otherwise invisible. In case there is a hidden tumor, the X-rat will be the tool that will save your life. The dentist is going to evaluate your need for the X-ray in line with the conditions that are present in development.

Fluoride is a type of mineral that can be found in a lot of foods as well as in water. Skim milk, apples, spinach, cooked kale, canned fish and brewed tea are some natural sources of fluoride Some types of city water also have fluoride in it. Hence, by drinking tap water you are going to acquire fluoride. In case that drinking water does not have fluoride, there are supplements available that have it.

Dental decay is a risk for individuals of all ages who lack the exposure to fluoride. Fluoride makes your tooth enamel much more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria inside your mouth and it is therefore important to dental health in general.

Numerous studies clearly demonstrate that children who were consuming fluoridated water from the very birth had a lot less dental decay. Fluoride is capable of reversing early decay and will help in preventing osteoporosis – a condition that will cause degenerative bone loss.

The ADA (American Dental Association) states that sealants are effective weapons in fighting against tooth decay. Sealants are a thin coating painted on the chewing surfaces of premolars and molars. These are acting as barriers that protect your teeth against the bacteria.

Sealants are effective for both children and adults, but are more commonly used for children. Even though the sealants cost only about half as much as the fillings, just a small number of children of school age have those on their permanent teeth.